Tag Archives: San Dieguito Heritage Voices

Inevitable Dips

If you were to look at a snapshot of the financial activity during this first crowdfunding effort of the San Dieguito Heritage Museum you would see what could look like nothing happening at this precise moment.

That judgement would be badly mistaken.

The activities we are engaged in can be accurately described as a system with (built in) delays or (inevitable) dips. I’ve send out one crowdfunding email to a group of people and some of those people have responded to that email by visiting our RocketHub.com crowdfunding site.

Some of those visitors to our crowdfunding site have chosen to enroll in what we are doing and some have not. Some will likely look at an email (and follow the crowdfunding link) AFTER someone calls them to remind them!

A percentage of those who have supported us financially (and maybe some who didn’t) are urging their friends to take a look at our site as well.

Others are trying to figure out how to use the right words to convey the message or want me or someone else to help them with their words.

Businesses are checking to see if they would like to participate by supporting us with dollars or by donating something like gift cards as “goods” for our crowdfunding project.

One thing I want to make absolutely clear is that this is normative activity. (Some prefer to use the term normal.)

This being our first time, we’re also learning a lot in the process and that’s ok.

Our crowdfunding effort was never going to be an inevitable up and up and up and up with no pauses. That’s not how it works, generally. Maybe if we had a database of 100 million people it might look like that, but there’s no guarantee even then.

And it was never going to be just a group of strangers telling other strangers who then tell other strangers about us. I WISH it worked that way! Anyone who tells you that doesn’t have accurate information.

The timeline of financial support is not the most important thing EXCEPT that there is an actual date on the calendar when a particular crowdfunding campaign is OVER and so sharing the information is better done NOW instead of later.

Nonprofit crowdfunding projects WORK because those who are involved with the nonprofit tell their friends and people they know. AND, many of them support the campaign financially themselves. It’s not a requirement, but it helps. Most people can afford a $20 bill (or even a $5 bill).

ONE important thing that happens is that the solid foundation built in the first campaign is there for the world to see on the internet for as long as RocketHub exists. When we reach our goal, our track record of success is in plain view for everyone to see.

FUTURE supporters will be encouraged to support us because we had a goal and reached it.

THAT is a HUGE reason to support us financially and through communicating with people you know.

We have over five weeks left in our campaign. But let’s not delay because there are inevitable delays in the system anyway. Some people take a while to get to an email (7 days?). Human beings are involved and so some will have to learn what to do and some will move slower than others.

Others will have a faster experience. A very nice woman named Julee, basically told me that she is not a technology whiz, but she was able to give her financial support over the phone in under a minute. Julee knows what to do!

I think that’s very cool. AND EXCITING! And it bodes well for our future with crowdfunding and for SDHM.

How can you help? Send people to our RocketHub crowdfunding site.

Your friends can search San Dieguito Heritage Museum at RocketHub.com or they can follow this link:


OR, you can just send them to this blog, San Dieguito Heritage Voices, and tell them to look for Inevitable Dips.

Julee Helps A Young Visitor Enjoy Her Time At The San Dieguito Heritage Museum

Julee Helps A Young Visitor Enjoy Her Time At The San Dieguito Heritage Museum

Del Mar Is Part Of Our Heritage

Crowdfunding time is happening soon. I guess you could call right now the “run up” to crowdfunding.

Won’t you help us right now by sending friends to this blog, San Dieguito Heritage Voices? You can send them to SDHVoices.Wordpress.com.

Help us by being on our email list and/or sending our email about our crowdfunding event to friends! Please let us know you’re interested by emailing sdheritage@sbcglobal.net. You can also visit our website by clicking the link above where it says San Dieguito Heritage Museum!

Volunteer Your Skills

This morning at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum we had a meeting with docents, volunteers and board members and talked about our recent and successful Lima Bean Faire. (If you’re even thinking of volunteering I want you to know that we definitely had yummy stuff to eat.) We talked about how everything went and what we can do better next year.

Ralph Stone, our new board president, presided (as presidents do) and asked a few of us afterwards if we could help with a tiny project before we went home. I took a handful of pictures to show you that it’s not all heavy lifting when you volunteer.

That brings me to the main point of this post. Maybe you or someone you know would like to work on the website or this blog instead of getting dusty and dirty. I’m not judging. As far as I’m concerned we should all be doing something we enjoy whenever possible when we’re volunteering.

If you would like to share stories from long ago in the San Dieguito Heritage (River) Area, let me know. If you don’t think you’re a great writer, maybe someone could interview you.

Also, and this is a BIG also, if you would like to help out our organization by helping us migrate our website to WordPress we would greatly appreciate it.

If not you, then do you know someone that would like to work on this blog – San Dieguito Heritage Voices – or the main website – SDHeritage.org – of the San Dieguito Heritage Museum?

Let us know.

Oh, and enjoy the pictures below.

Savana Involved In Work-Related Travel

Savana Involved In Work-Related Travel

Tents For Events

Tents For Events

Good Looking Sign

Good Looking Sign

Hay Bales Ready To Be Set Up For The Western Wedding

Hay Bales Ready To Be Set Up For The Western Wedding

Thank You To Our Lima Bean Faire Sponsors!

Thank You To Our Lima Bean Faire Sponsors!

Take A Look And Discover Your Niche – Volunteer!

Volunteering is good for the heart, good for the body and good for the Museum.

What does it take to be a happy volunteer? Here is what Evelyn thinks:

A happy volunteer has a niche where they can feel good that they are doing something that is making a difference.

Take a look at Savana, one of our super happy volunteers. Savana began as a high school volunteer with Tom, our friendly Museum caretaker. She fit right in and now she is the part time paid Families Make History leader. The kids love her, the families love her and all of us other Museum volunteers love her. Now at College full time, she still makes time for the Museum. Here she is with the current craft project: Kids learn about our Lima Bean history and make a cool bean picture like this one made by a visitor last Saturday. Savana lima bean fun

A smart organization uses the skills and strengths of the volunteer and that means-

-The right person for the right spot.
-NO square pegs in round holes.

A smart organization tries not to overwork anyone.

Many hands make light work is still true. Be a part of a team. Use your skills, volunteer for the amount of time that you have and enjoy what you are doing.

So why do I volunteer at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum?

Because the Museum is all about our History. History is filled with facts and behind all those facts are people with wonderfully interesting stories.

Peeking behind the facts and bringing those stories to life is challenging, fun and rewarding.

Come to the Lima Bean (Cook-off) Faire on September 27th.  Have a fun afternoon and while you are there stop at the Plant Booth and find out about the Creators Club.

YOUR volunteer opportunity will be both exciting and rewarding.

Evelyn, The story lover.